Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flying with Friends

This month has been kind of low key.  Nothing really "blog worthy" to speak of.  I've been flying the Caribbean mostly, and I did a Maui trip and will be heading off to earthquake ravaged Chile tonight.  I managed to catch the "Cruise Ship Virus" that has been plaguing passengers sailing around the Caribbean.  No doubt someone gave it to me on the plane.  I am constantly washing and sanitizing my hands, but I guess that doesn't fend off all the germs.  What a bummer to get the "Cruise Ship Virus" without getting to enjoy the cruise.

It has been a fun month because I've gotten to fly with some friends I've known for ten plus years, but actually never worked with.  My company employs so many flight attendants and there are something like 1,400 just at my base so when you fly with friends it's a treat.  This month I flew with my friends Leatha, Gay, Dina, and Rick.  When you fly with people you know, it just makes the trip go better.

My most recent trip was a three day trip laying over in San Juan and Guatemala City with Rick.  We both kind of have that witty and sharp sense of humor so we would "bicker" back and forth on the cart, much to the enjoyment of our passengers.  I would comment on his age, lack of hair, and encroaching senility and he would come back with a comment about my youth and stupidity.  We did have a lady who snapped at me because she claimed someone from the airline stole her purse at security, but she had a nice slice of humble pie when another passenger merely pointed out that she left it in an empty seat.  To her credit she did apologize and she must have felt bad because when I came thru the cabin at the end of the flight with the UNICEF pouch collecting donations, she gave me a $20.  Guilt can pay off financially I guess.  

I snapped the  following photo from my hotel balcony.

From the total view, I counted so many "American" businesses.  I guess the desire for American brands is very strong here.  I saw: Chuck E. Cheese's, Mc Donalds, KFC, Burger King, Blockbuster Video, Chevron, Pizza Hut, Domino's, Chili's.....

Globalization is alive and well in Central America.