I've worked pretty much every Christmas since I started flying almost 15 years ago and one thing I have come to appreciate about airline employees is that they bring the party with them.
We made contact with everyone who was on the trip and planned our "party" down in the crew room. Everything was going to closed on Christmas, so we decided to bring as much food as Chilean agriculture would let us bring in.... and we managed to get it all in, including cheese, tamales, crackers, tuna salad, wine, wine and more wine (all brought from home of course)..... the only victim was a beef salami which was confiscated by inspectors.
It was a fun evening.... Air Canada and Delta joined in the fun and we had more food than we knew what to do with.
Cliff practiced playing chiropractor, although Ruth looks a little suspicious.
Here's the crew from our flight, 945..... group shot.
One of our more infamous pilots, Josey....say what you will about him, he's a good Democrat (and he own's his own vineyard).
Here's a photo of me and my friend Cruz.
We hooked an iPod up to the stereo and danced the night away.
When Rick Astley came on the stereo, our First Officer, Eric, could no longer contain his enthusiasm!
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