Monday, July 14, 2008


So my latest trip found me laying over in Venezuela (Chavezuela may be the new name soon after their loon ball president) and Tampa. Can't say Caracas was all that exciting. The most adventurous thing you can do is go down to the hotel pool and try to dodge the rocks that the folks living in the mountain slums above the hotel throw down at you. The most annoying thing about Caracas is that Chavez has changed the time zone so that it is 30 minutes behind EST. So when it is 5pm in Miami, it is 4:30 in Venezuela.

The second day we flew from Caracas to San Juan to Tampa. This was the best part of my trip because I got to have breakfast with Carla, one of my dearest friends in the whole wide world. She lives in Scotland, but was back home visiting family. The highlight of our meeting up was the 9 bottles of Original Source shower gel that she got for me. The story behind that goes back to when she first moved to Scotland after she met her soon to be husband and I came over for a visit. That is the shower gel he used, and I fell in love with it. On every successive visit over to the UK, I would pick up a few bottles. I am now happy to say I am the owner of 11 bottles of Original Source ( and that should last me for at least a year.

The third day was long, but uneventful as we flew back to base and then did a turn to Belize.

Tomorrow I am going to attempt for the second time to fly to Houston to get my Crew Visa from the French consulate. Last month I managed to try to go on the same day we had a massive thunderstorm so I am hoping for better luck tomorrow.

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