Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Olé for Molé

I just got back from an overnight in Mexico City. I was excited because we had a 14 hour and 45 minute layover and I figured we would be at the long layover location, but it turns out you need to be scheduled for 15 hours or more for a long layover, so we were at the short layover location at the airport.

The entire crew was on the same layover which is a rarity these days, so we all went and did a quick work out at the roof top gym (and doing 30 minutes of cardio at 7,000 feet elevation is not an easy task). We then decided to go out for authentic Mexican food. The hotel is nice but surrounded by a pretty shady neighborhood. We risked it and walked thru the shady part to a place called El Barzón. It was pretty authentic, as we were the only "gringos" there.

We started out with chips and salsa. I tried a Mexican beer I had never had before. It was called Montijo and is a pale beer that comes from Yucatan. Normally I drink Pacifico, a beer from Matzatlan. The girls ordered Azteca soup (think really Mexican tortilla soup). The pilots and I all ordered the Filete Tampiqueña. It came with an enchilada with molé which was muy picante (that means very hot).

The highlight of the evening was listening to folks singing karaoke from the "Paginas del Pasado" CD. We got to listen to ABBA, The Mamas and the Papas, and some real one hit wonders I have never even heard of before.

All in all it was good times. It's rare for the whole crew to go out and do something, so this was nice. I of course got to use my Spanish skills since no one in the establishment spoke any English.

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