Monday, August 31, 2009

Farewell Barbados.... I will miss you!

August is the last month that the great Barbados trip will be on the bid sheet, and I was able to fly it one more time. Unfortunately, it poured buckets the entire day. I was flying with my friends Moa and Irune, and my new friend Luis, so we still had fun.

Instead of going to Just Grillin', the Caribbean themed restaurant across the street, we went to a great bar/restaurant on the beach about two miles down from the hotel called Carib. The food was fantastic. I had veggie samosas for my appetizer and the seafood crepes for my main course as well as some local Banks beers to wash it down.

As we were getting ready to leave, the sky opened up in a major way, and we got soaked trying to get a cab back to the hotel. But of the four times I layed over in BGI, that was the only time it rained, so I cannot complain.

Goodbye Barbados :(

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