Friday, March 16, 2012

The Lenten Journey for 2012 Begins

February 22nd marked the beginning of the 2012 Lenten season.  I decided to take a break from Facebook again as I have done the past 2 years with my friend Jenn Smith.  I also opted to give up desserts.  Of course now my blog entries will not update to my Facebook page as I have disabled that feature, so I doubt that anyone will even read this.

Last year during Lent, my friend Bruce came to town on a business trip.  I had given up alcohol so it was quite a boring visit since Bruce and I really only like each other when we have drinks in our hands.  He ended up coming out here that week again, but this year I could hit the sauce with him!

Being that Bruce is a good Presbyterian, he came with me to Ash Wednesday services at St. Andrew along with Ladyfriend, and my friends Carol and Bobby.  I made Bobby go with me last year to get "Ashed".

We enjoyed a lovely meal at the Abbey, a local pub off the square that Bobby and I frequent because he can get Guinness on tap.  The last time we were there, I learned that our waitress had gone to the same high school as I did back in Tampa (albeit 10 years later).  It would have been cool if she were working that night so Bruce could meet her and feel as old as I felt, but she has apparently moved on to another bar on the square called Hooligans.

After dinner, I went thru my first test of dessert abstinence when Bruce insisted we go to Beth Marie's for some of their famous homemade ice cream.

In grand tradition, Bruce and I enjoyed some scotch, some gin, some ouzo.  I think we called or texted our friend Jonathan at 3 a.m, but I don't have much of a memory of that.  Some things never change!

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